Sunday, September 5, 2010

February and March 2010

The highlight of February was also the low point: snow, snow, and MORE snow. Snow used to be an event for me; now, it's become more of an inconvenience. But I bet the first snow of this winter will still get me all giddy... until I have to walk to the train to get to work. Sad face.

At some point during these two months, we also attended a Bulls game, which included a package deal for a meal for each of us too. AND, the Bulls won, so everyone's ticket became a coupon for a Big Mac... I got real into the game when I learned this!!
I also tried my hand at craft-work in January and February. For reasons you'll read in the next paragraph, I used what creative skill I have to create some baby gifts for my brother and sister (SIL). I used pictures from our numerous zoo trips to create an alphabet book of all the animals we had pictures of, including my sister's adorable dogs, and me, since I couldn't find any zebra pics or any zebras when we went to the zoo. This is what inspired our trip to Brookfield in the middle of winter, but it worked out well for all involved. I had a lot of fun personalizing the book through Walgreen's, and I hope my nephew will enjoy it for years. I also made him a cute monkey quilt with a pre-cut fabric kit, which I thought meant all I'd be doing was sewing. Well, this was wrong, but I managed to make it through with some help from my mother (MIL) and my boss, who lent me her sewing machine.

March was also an exciting month for my family--my nephew was born, so we took a trip home to Georgia. Besides getting to see my brother, his wife, their new son, and my mom and sister, it was really nice to move slow and not feel like you were missing out on something. Even at night, our walks were slower-paced, more wandering, and more relaxed. I returned to work and the city completely refreshed.

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